EIP Platform Activity Fund 2025

This is a preview of the EIP Platform Activity Funds 2025 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

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EIP Platform Activity Funding 2025

* indicates a required field.

Before you start:


  1. It is strongly recommended to have discussed your proposal with an EIP Director. Proposals that have been discussed prior will be highly regarded.
  2. Activities funded by this scheme have a nominal maximum of $3000*
  3. This form should take ~10 minutes to fill in.
  4. Please note the eligibility requirements for the budget.
  5. You may be asked to provide a short report (via survey) on outcomes in late 2025.

Note: Cross Platform proposals may be considered with budgets over $3000. HDR's are welcome to apply but will be limited to a $1000 maximum.

Activity Title

Word count:
Must be no more than 20 words. 

Your details

Include "e" or "s" with the number
Must be an email address. 

Your activity details

EIP Platform Activity Category Type * Required
Response required.Response required.
Note: Other is proposals that do not fit into the broad categories above
Word count:
Must be no more than 200 words. Provide a short description of your activity.
Anticipated Outcomes * Required
Response required.
Word count:
Must be no more than 200 words. Provide a short description of the activity outcomes and milestones.
Must be a date. Must be within 2025
Must be a date and no later than 31/12/2025. 
Word count:
Must be no more than 200 words. Provide a short description of how your activity delivers against the EIP priorities or broader focus areas. Priority Areas for each EIP Platform may be found Click here
Provide a short description (100 words recommended) of any previous ECP funding received

Cross Platform/Discipline Activity (if applicable)

Only applicable if you have consulted with the relevant Directors about splitting the funding for your proposal.

Cross Platform proposals may be considered with budgets over the $3000 nominal maximum.

Cross Platform Activity (if Applicable)
Indicate if your activity is supported by multiple ECPs
Word count:
Must be no more than 200 words. Provide a short description as to how your proposal is cross-discipline and delivers against the EIP Priority areas. Priority Areas for each EIP Platform may be found Click here

Your activity budget: Notes

Typically, activities funded by this scheme fall into the $500-$3000 range. You are encouraged to discuss budget plans with the EIP Director

HDRs are welcome to apply, but will be limited to a $1000 maximum

Eligible expenditure requests include:

  • Minor equipment
  • Training and skills development costs, including training activity costs
  • Consumables (eg catering, lab consumables, printing, office supplies, other expenses associated with group forums and workshops)
  • Costs associated with event organisation/delivery (eg AV charges)
  • Costs associated with dissemination of outcomes (eg open access fees)
  • RA/Casual salaries, if directly related and necessary for the Platform activity

For salary schedules and on-costs utilise the salary schedules on RMIT's staff page and apply the appropriate on-cost multiplier:

Ineligible expenditure requests include:

  • HDR stipends or top-ups
  • Teaching buy out
  • Marking buy out
  • Travel (as the sole purpose of the request).

Note: Funding needs to comply with Finance cutoff dates so funding will need to be expended by the end of November 2025.



Must be at least 1 rows

Budget Totals

This number/amount is calculated. 

Optional Information

If your proposal strongly delivers towards the RMIT Reconciliation Action Plan or the UN SDG's and you wish to have that noted, fill in the below.

This will not impact the assessment process and is purely optional.

Word count:
Must be no more than 200 words. Provide a short description of how your project aligns with the RMIT Reconciliation Plan. Information about the Reconciliation plan may be found: Click here
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Alignment
Choose all SDG's that apply. Information about the UN Sustainable Development Goals may be found on the RMIT SDG page:Click here