Malcolm Moore 2025

This is a preview of the Malcolm Moore 2025 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

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2025 Malcolm Moore application form

* indicates a required field.

Applicant Details

NameEmail addressEmployee numberSchoolPositionEmployment TypeTime FractionPhD conferral date
e.g. e12345
Minimum of 0.6 FTE
 * Required
Response required.  * Required
Response required.  * Required
 * Required

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Employment Type" on page 1

Contract end date
 * Required

Summary of career interruption

Answer only if your PhD conferral is before 19 March 2020.

Project Summary

EIP Alignment * Required
Response required.Response required.

Industry Partner Details

Word count:
Must be no more than 50 words. 

Project timeline

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Has the project commenced?" on page 1

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Has the project commenced?" on page 1

Must be a date. 

Prior funding

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Has the project received prior funding?" on page 1

Ethics clearance

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Has ethics clearance been gained?" on page 1

Attach a file: Select stored file

    Intellectual property

    This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Is there an intellectual property agreement for this project?" on page 1

    Attach a file: Select stored file


      Detailed project budget, anchored to a timeline if relevant, clearly showing all costs of the proposed items of expenditure (e.g. consumables, personnel, travel, accommodation.) Click here for RMIT staff salaries. The maximum request amount from the Malcolm Moore award is $26,600 AUD. 

      Budget itemAmount sought from Malcolm Moore AwardIndustry partner contribution (cash)Industry partner contribution (inkind)
      Must be a dollar amount. 
      Must be a dollar amount. 
      Must be a dollar amount. 

      Must be at least 3 rows

      Budget expenditure

      Word count:
      Must be no more than 150 words

      Budget totals

      These are automatically totalled from your budget above. 

      This number/amount is calculated. Calculated from budget. Max amount $25k
      This number/amount is calculated. 
      This number/amount is calculated. 

      Expected outcomes

      Word count:
      Must be no more than 150 words. 

      Project Proposal

      Maximum 4 pages in 12 pt Times New Roman font (including references). 

      Outline the proposed project, including: 

      1. Background and aims (1 page)
      2. Research project plan (1 page) 
      3. ECR-related research track record. 750-word statement of your career achievements relative to your research opportunity, including:  
        1. top five research outputs over your career (not just publications) 
        2. opportunity to undertake research (including ressons why opportunity might have been limited due to career breaks and non-research roles)
        3. research impact, including tangible benefits to end users. 
      4. Project alignment with RMIT's Enabling Impact Platforms (1 page)
      Attach a file: Select stored file

        Academic CV

        Attach a file: Select stored file
          Maximum of 3 A4 pages

          Industry Partner Letter

          Attach a file: Select stored file
            Stating their support and level of contribution to the project, maximum of 2 A4 pages

            Head of School Approval

            Attach an email from your head of school confirming their support for your application. 

            Attach a file: Select stored file